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  • Robotics

A change in velocity, that is, changing speed or direction of travel.

  • Robotics

A device for measuring the acceleration of a moving or vibrating body.

Access management
  • ECRS

The process to recognize, follow, control and track authorized users’ admittance to a framework, application, or any IT occurrence. A broad concept that encompasses all strategies, technology, policies and methodologies to maintain access privileges.

  • Robotics

The precision of a measured value to the actual value.

Active sensor
  • Robotics

A sensor that instigates action and then waits for a response – such as transmitting a signal and measuring the response when it comes back.r

Activity History
  • Salesforce

A list of associated tasks or the history of activities that have been carried out on an object.

  • Robotics

A device that makes something happen. It uses a form of power to convert a control signal into mechanical motion.

  • Blockchain

Assigned to each transaction, typically consisting of a unique sequence of numbers, letters and functions, that refers to a specific destination on the network. Every address is unique and is valid only once.

Advanced Threat Prevention (ATP)
  • ECRS

A suite of scanning tools designed to protect against advanced threats using known and unknown attack vectors. ATP enhances common security solutions to repel known intrusion strategies.

Aggressive Light phobe
  • Robotics

A form of Braitenberg vehicle which accelerates away from lights.

Aggressive Light seeker
  • Robotics

A form of Braitenberg vehicle which accelerates towards lights.

Agreement Ledgers
  • Blockchain

Distributed ledgers used by two or more parties to negotiate and reach an agreement.

  • Robotics

A series of lines of code that a robot can use to perform certain instructions. Algorithms are solutions to problems and are usually implemented by programs.

  • Blockchain

Alternate coin, or Altcoin, refers to a group of cryptocurrencies except for Bitcoin.

  • Robotics

A humanoid robot or other artificial beings, often designed to look like a human being.

  • ECRS

A software designed to detect and remove viruses and other kinds of malicious software from a computer. Once installed, the antivirus software runs automatically in the background to provide real-time protection.

  • Salesforce

Salesforce Apex is a Microsoft-certified framework for building software as a service (SaaS) apps on top of Salesforce's customer relationship management (CRM) functionality.

  • Salesforce

Salesforce AppExchange is the leading enterprise cloud marketplace through which end users can access, download and install software apps.

Application Program Interface (API)
  • Salesforce

Salesforce APIs are code that allows two software applications to communicate with each other. API defines the correct way for a developer to request services from an operating system or other application, and expose data within different contexts and across multiple channels.

Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC)
  • Blockchain

ASICs are silicon chips designed for a very specific function.

Artificial Intelligence
  • Robotics

Systems or machines that mimic human intelligence and perform tasks that can iteratively improve based on the information collected.

Artificial Life
  • Robotics

A field of study where researchers examine systems related to natural life, its processes and evolution through the use of simulations with computer models, robotics and biochemistry.

Assembly robot
  • Robotics

Computer-controlled, automated and programmable machines used in manufacturing and other industrial settings.

Attestation Ledgers
  • Blockchain

Public distributed ledgers that attest or confirm all individual transactions and provide authenticity. It acts as legal proof of every financial transaction that takes place.

Autonomous robot
  • Robotics

A robot that works on its own, as opposed to being controlled by a human.



Baxter robot
  • Robotics

A modern industrial robot built by Rethink Robotics, specifically to interact safely with humans.

  • Blockchain

World’s first decentralized cryptocurrency that can be exchanged between two parties without involving any intermediaries like banks or financial institutions.

Blank lookup
  • Salesforce

A lookup search when you click the lookup icon without entering a search term.

Block Ciphers
  • Blockchain

An encryption algorithm that encrypts data in blocks using a deterministic algorithm and a symmetric key. It takes a fixed size of the input and produces a cipher text of the same size.

Block Height
  • Blockchain

Block Height refers to a specific location in the Blockchain measured by the number of blocks preceding it in the network.

Block Rewards
  • Blockchain

Units of cryptocurrency or incentives earned by a miner or staker for each successful validation that discovers or proposes new blocks.

  • Blockchain

A decentralized, shared, and immutable ledger for storing information electronically in digital format. The information is collected and recorded in groups known as blocks. Each block has a storage capacity and when the storage is full, it's linked to a previously filled block, thus forming a chain of blocks or as it's called - Blockchain. This technology makes it almost impossible for anyone to tamper with the data.


Blockchain 1.0
  • Blockchain

The first generation of blockchain technology is focused on performing simple token transactions and storing the data across several computers. Blockchain 1.0 became the fundamental technology of blockchain and it showed that a market existed for these technologies.

Blockchain 2.0
  • Blockchain

The generation of blockchain technology-enabled smart contracts and generalized processing on the chain. The concept of Ethereum was introduced

Blockchain 3.0
  • Blockchain

The next blockchain development stage where the aim is to resolve existing issues in the blockchain industry to facilitate mainstream adoption.

  • Robotics

An artificial life simulation originally developed by Craig Reynolds to replicate the behavior of flocks of birds.

Brain-computer interface
  • Robotics

A control interface that recognises user intent by measuring brain activity and translating it into executable commands usually performed by a computer.

Braitenberg vehicles
  • Robotics

Simple mobile machines developed by Italian-Austrian cyberneticist Valentino Braitenberg, that use basic sensory-motor connections to produce seemingly cognitive behaviors.

Business Account
  • Salesforce

A company or organization that you want to track.

Business Continuity Management System (BCMS)
  • ECRS

A management system that brings together interrelated methods, procedures, and rules to ensure that critical business processes continue even in the event of damage or breakdown and also continuously develop and improve them.


  • Salesforce

A group of leads and contacts exposed to specific marketing communications to organize marketing plans and assets. Campaign records contain valuable data like performance metrics and means that salespeople can quickly use to optimize future efforts.

  • Robotics

An electronic component used to store energy electrostatically. As current flows into a capacitor, it charges up, so the voltage across it increases.

Central Ledger
  • Blockchain

Also known as general ledger, it records all information on economic transactions in a centralized way.

Chain Linking
  • Blockchain

This is the method of connecting two blockchains, therefore permitting transactions between the chains to take place.

  • Salesforce

A Salesforce real-time enterprise collaboration platform that lets users work together, talk to each other and share information. Chatter can be used as a company intranet or employee directory.

Closed Loop Control
  • Robotics

A mechanical or electronic device that automatically regulates a system to maintain the desired state or set point without human interaction.

Closed Won Opportunity
  • Salesforce

The final deal stage in the sales cycle, where a prospect has signed or electronically accepted a contract and becomes a customer officially.


Closed-Loop Reporting
  • Salesforce

A system in which information collected by marketing and sales professionals is made available to both teams. It allows attribution of sales opportunity revenue to marketing campaigns so that overall campaign revenue performance can be analysed.

Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)
  • ECRS

An on-premises or cloud-based software that sits between a cloud service user and a cloud service provider. It serves as a tool to monitor organization's security policies through risk identification and regulatory compliance.

Cloud infrastructure
  • ECRS

A collection of hardware and software elements needed to enable cloud computing that includes computing power, network, storage and a user interface for accessing virtualized resources.

Cloud Security
  • ECRS

Also known as cloud computing security, it is a series of safety measures designed to protect cloud-based infrastructure, applications and data.

  • Blockchain

This means that a blockchain transaction has been verified by the network. Once confirmed, it can’t be reversed or double spent.

  • Salesforce

Developer enablement frameworks that accelerate cross-cloud integration by providing code, configuration, and implementation patterns. Connectors aren’t standalone products.

Consensus Process
  • Blockchain

This method involves a cluster of peers who make decisions for maintaining a distributed ledger used to achieve accord on the ledger’s contents via consensus.

Consortium Blockchain
  • Blockchain

Semi-decentralized network where members are granted access to a group of individuals or ‘nodes’ instead of a single entity. It offers better security as compared to public chains. Consortium blockchains are used by multiple organisations to govern the industry and it gives them better control of resources.

  • Salesforce

A contact is a qualified lead. It is the people associated with accounts marketed, sold and supported. The contact record contains details like name, address, email, and phone number.


Contact Role
  • Salesforce

Contact roles specify the part a person plays in an account, case, contract, or opportunity.

Control Engineering
  • Robotics

A study of mathematical modeling of systems of a diverse nature, analyzing their dynamic behavior and using control theory to create a controller that will cause the systems to behave in a desired manner.

  • Robotics

A computer system that connects to the robot in order to control the movements of the industrial robot arm.


  • Robotics

A set of numbers used to represent a position –often there are two or three-dimensional positions.


  • Blockchain

The study of ciphertext, ciphers and cryptosystems to understand hidden aspects of the systems and therefore, to look for weaknesses or leaks of information. It is also referred to as codebreaking or cracking the code.

  • Blockchain

A digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography,a making it nearly impossible to counterfeit. This type of currency doesn’t have a central issuing or regulating authority and uses a decentralized system to record transactions and issue new units.


  • Blockchain

The method of converting ordinary plain text into cryptic text so that unintended recipients cannot understand, therefore securing information and communication.

Custom Field
  • Salesforce

Custom fields are metadata categories that describe the type of assets stored in a digital library. Salesforce administrators can define custom fields for standard or custom objects in their organization using the user interface.

Custom Object
  • Salesforce

Custom objects are objects that you create to store information specific to your company or industry.


Custom Report Type
  • Salesforce

Custom report types create complex reports that go beyond the standard Salesforce report types. A report type defines the set of records and fields available to a report based on the relationships between a primary object and its related objects.

  • Robotics

The science of control and communications in animals and machines, or systems that behave like living beings.

  • ECRS

The practice of protecting internet-connected structures such as hardware, software, servers, devices, network and data from cyber-attacks.

  • Robotics

A cybernetic organism comprising a mixture of organic and mechanical electronic components.

  • Blockchain

An algorithm for encrypting and decrypting data.


  • Robotics

An imaginary planet, populated with artificial life, created by James Lovelock and Andrew Watson to illustrate the influence of a coupled climate-vegetation feedback related to the different albedo of different vegetation types.

  • Blockchain

Decentralized applications or dApps are autonomously operated digital applications that run on decentralized computing, Blockchain or a peer-to-peer network of computers rather than on a single computer.

  • Salesforce

Dashboards in Salesforce are a graphical representation of reports to help visually understand the changing business conditions and make decisions based on real-time data. These components provide a snapshot of key metrics and performance indicators of the organization at a glimpse.


Data encryption
  • ECRS

The process of converting data from plaintext to ciphertext. The user can encrypt the data with an encryption key and the decrypt the data with a decryption key.


Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • ECRS

A set of tools and processes to detect and prevent users from sending sensitive or important information outside of the corporate network. This includes software products that help network administrators control the data that users can transfer.

Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO)
  • Blockchain

A software/entity run on blockchain that is collectively owned and managed by individual members with no central leadership with the foundational rules coded in.

  • Blockchain

The reverse process of encryption. The method of converting encrypted data into its original form.

  • Robotics

A measurement of an angle. A complete rotation is 360 degrees and a right angle is 90 degrees.

Degrees of freedom
  • Robotics

The number of independent modes in which a robot can operate.

  • ECRS

DevSecOps (stands for development, security & operations) is a seamless integration of security testing throughout the software development and delivery life cycle. It integrates application and infrastructure security seamlessly into agile and DevOps processes and tools.

Differential Motion
  • Robotics

A way to track and explain motion for different points of the robot

Digital Commodity
  • Blockchain

A fungible digital form of personal property with some form of relative value that can be possessed and transferred person-to-person without relying on an intermediary.

Digital Forensics
  • ECRS

A branch of forensic science that involves the recovery, investigation, examination and analysis of material found in digital devices, often in relation to mobile devices and computer crime.

Digital identity
  • Blockchain

An online or networked identity adopted or claimed in cyberspace to represent an external agent –an individual, organization or device.

Digital Signature
  • Blockchain

Electronic and encrypted stamp of authentication on digital messaging or documents like emails and macros.

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS)
  • ECRS

A malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service, or network by overwhelming the target or its infrastructure with a huge of internet traffic.

Distributed ledgers
  • Blockchain

Databases or ledgers consensually shared across a network that is present across multiple sites, countries or establishments.

DLT: Distributed Ledger Technology
  • Blockchain

Distributed ledger technology (DLT) refers to the protocols and supporting infrastructure that allow computers in different locations to propose and validate transactions and update records in a synchronised way across a network.

Double Spent
  • Blockchain

A potential flaw in a digital cash scheme where the same money is spent more than once. This happens when the digital file in the digital token is duplicated or falsified.


Echo location
  • Robotics

A process where the position of an object is determined by emitting a signal and seeing how long before that signal returns.

  • Robotics

The science of the flow and control of electrons from devices such as batteries through electric components such as resistors and motors.

  • Robotics

A sensor attached to a rotating object that detects rotation angle or linear displacement

  • Blockchain

The method of converting plaintext into cypher text so that only authorized users can decipher.

End effector
  • Robotics

A device at the end of a robotic arm, designed to interact with the environment.

Endpoint detection and response (EDR)
  • ECRS

A system that collects and analyzes security threat information from computer workstations and other endpoints to detect security vulnerabilities ins real-time

Endpoint security
  • ECRS

The practice of protecting entry points of end-user devices such as desktops, laptops, and mobile devices from exploitation by malicious actors and campaigns.

  • Robotics

In a control system, the difference between the desired state and the actual state.

  • Blockchain

Token or the cryptocurrency of the Ethereum Blockchain. It can be used to send payments directly to a person without the need for an intermediary such as a bank.

  • Blockchain

An open-source blockchain technology that establishes a peer-to-peer network that securely executes and verifies application code, called smart contracts.

Ethereum Classic
  • Blockchain

Open-source, decentralized, Blockchain-based distributed cryptocurrency platform featuring smart contract (scripting) functionality.

Ethereum virtual machine (EVM)
  • Blockchain

Software platform that developers use to create Ethereum-based DApps. It is a computational engine that acts like a decentralized computer where all Ethereum accounts and smart contracts live.

  • Robotics

Excitatory inputs are those that prompt one neuron to share information with the next to signal activation.


  • Robotics

The process of returning information about the output of a system.

Feedback Loop
  • Robotics

Part of the system in which some or all portions of the system's output are used as input for future operations

Fiat currency
  • Blockchain

All kinds of money that are made legal tender by a government decree.

  • Salesforce

Fields in Salesforce are what the columns represent in relational databases. It can store data values which are required for a particular object in a record, for example, a field might be the ‘First Name’ or ‘Email Address’ found on the lead and contact records. Fields are often referred to as ‘properties’.

File integrity monitoring (FIM)
  • ECRS

The IT security process to test and check operating systems, databases and application software files to determine whether they have been corrupted or tampered with.

  • Robotics

A type of software embedded directly in a piece of hardware to make the hardware work as intended.

Flocking behavior
  • Robotics

A computer program that simulates simple agents (boids) to move according to a set of basic rules.

Force Feedback
  • Robotics

A method of control which allows the operator to feel what the remote manipulator arm is doing.
  • Salesforce

A Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) product designed to simplify the development and deployment of cloud-based applications and websites. Developers can create apps and websites through the cloud-integrated development environment and deploy them quickly to's multi-tenant servers.

  • Blockchain

A split in the Blockchain network when the software of different miners becomes misaligned. The ideal ‘single’ chain of blocks is split into two or more chains which are all valid.

Formula Field
  • Salesforce

Formula fields are custom fields that automatically provide results based on records and related records. It is a valuable tool for admins as they are updated automatically in real time whenever a record is accessed.

Fuzzy Logic
  • Robotics

A form of logic that allows multiple possible truth values to be processed through the same variable.


Gaia Theory
  • Robotics

An ecological hypothesis that suggests that the earth is a living organism and can regulate its own environment and temperature.

Game of Life
  • Robotics

A cellular automaton where a computer organism evolves over time, where its current state is determined by its previous state. It was devised by John Conway in 1970.

  • Blockchain

A fee required to successfully conduct a transaction or execute a contract on the Ethereum blockchain platform.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPA)
  • ECRS

A legal framework to keep data safe by setting guidelines for organizations that collect and process personal information of individuals in the European Union.

Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
  • ECRS

A standard set of procedures followed by organizations to align IT with business goals while managing risks and meeting all industry and government regulatory compliance.

  • Robotics

A self-balancing robot which utilises ultrasonic sensors to detect if it is falling over and closed loop control to stay upright.

  • Robotics

Devices that enable robots to pick up and hold objects.


  • Blockchain

An event when the reward for mining bitcoin transactions is cut in half. It also cuts bitcoin's inflation rate and the rate at which new bitcoins enter circulation in half.

  • Robotics

Real and simulated touch interactions between robots, humans, and real, remote, or simulated environments, in various combinations.

  • Blockchain

A radical change to a network's protocol that makes previously invalid blocks and transactions valid, or vice-versa.

  • Robotics

The physical components of a computer.

  • Blockchain

The computing power per second used by a Blockchain network to process transactions. It is the speed of mining, measured in units of hash/second, which means the number of calculations performed per second.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • ECRS

A federal law that modernizes the flow of electronic healthcare information to protect sensitive patient information from disclosure without the consent of the patient.

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
  • Robotics

The design and use of computer technology that allows humans to interface with computers.

  • Robotics

The science covering the laws governing the motion and application of liquids.

  • Blockchain

A global enterprise blockchain project that offers the framework, guidelines, standards and tools to build open-source blockchain-related applications.


Identity Governance
  • ECRS

Identity governance is the centralized, policy-based coordination of user identity management and access control. Identity governance helps support enterprise IT security and regulatory compliance.


Identity management (IAM/IdAM)
  • ECRS

A framework of policies and technologies to identify, authenticate and authorize the right users to an application, system or comprehensive IT environment .

  • Blockchain

The ability of a blockchain ledger to remain unchanged, unaltered, and indelible.

Industrial robot
  • Robotics

Robot systems used for manufacturing that are automated, programmable and capable of movement on three or more axes. It is developed to automate intensive production tasks.

Information Security Management System (ISMS)
  • ECRS

A set of policies and procedures for managing an organization's sensitive data, therefore minimizing the risk and ensuring business continuity by proactively limiting the impact of a security breach.

Infrared sensor
  • Robotics

An electronic sensor (often passive) that measures infrared light radiating from objects in its view. It is widely used for measuring distances.

Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
  • Blockchain

ICO is the cryptocurrency industry's equivalent of an initial public offering (IPO). An unregulated means by which funds are raised for a new cryptocurrency venture.

Input device
  • Robotics

Devices that allow humans to interact with a machine like a computer or a robot – including a keyboard, mouse, or touchpad.

Insect robot
  • Robotics

A small mobile robot that does not need conventional motors and gears to fly.

  • Robotics

A piece of a program commanding the computer to do something.

Integral control
  • Robotics

A method used in Feedback Control where the output of the controller depends on its input (typically the error) and previous values of its output.

Integrated development environment (IDE)
  • Robotics

A software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development.

  • Robotics

The process of programming and outfitting industrial robots so they can perform automated manufacturing tasks

Intelligent robot
  • Robotics

Machines with the ability to take actions and make choices.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) quality audit
  • ECRS

Management tools that companies use to evaluate, confirm and validate quality-related activities. An ISO quality audit determines the effectiveness of the organization's quality management system (QMS).

  • Blockchain

The ability of two or more systems to communicate and exchange data.

Intrusion detection system (IDS)
  • ECRS

A device or software application that monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations. Any unusual event is reported to an administrator or collected centrally using security information and an event management system.

Intrusion prevention system (IPS)
  • ECRS

A network security tool that continuously monitors the network for malicious activity and takes action to prevent it, including reporting, blocking or deleting them as they occur.

IPFS (Interplanetary File System)
  • Blockchain

A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system to uniquely identify each file in a global namespace connecting all computing devices.

IT compliance audits
  • ECRS

An independent assessment of your organization's cyber security tools, practices, and policies. Performed by certified bodies, audits ensure that an organization meets certain regulatory or legal requirements.

IT general controls (ITGC)
  • ECRS

Basic controls that can be applied to IT systems such as applications, operating systems, databases, and supporting IT infrastructure. It ensures the integrity of the data and processes that support the system.


  • Robotics

The movable components of the robot that cause relative motion between adjacent links.


Know Your Customer (KYC)
  • Blockchain

The legal process of a business identifying and verifying the identity of its clients. KYC requirements vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.


  • Robotics

A device that emits a beam of light – can be used in sensing to tell, from a distance, some characteristics of an object.


  • Salesforce

A lead is anyone who has shown interest in a company's products or services but may not yet be qualified to buy.


Lead Scoring
  • Salesforce

A methodology used by sales and marketing departments to determine the worthiness of leads or potential customers. It includes automatically scoring inbound leads with a numerical value to indicate how interested they are in your product or service.

Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)
  • Robotics

A component with resistance that changes according to the light intensity that falls upon it.

Light phobe
  • Robotics

A form of Braitenberg vehicle which steers away from lights.

Light seeker
  • Robotics

A form of Braitenberg vehicle which steers towards lights.

Linear robots
  • Robotics

Type of industrial robots with two or three principal axes that move in a straight line rather than rotate, functioning at right angles to each other.

  • Robotics

A rigid part connecting the joints that are the movable components of the robot.

  • Blockchain

The ease of converting an asset, or in this case, cryptocurrency, to cash (fiat).

  • Robotics

In robotics, it is about determining where a mobile robot is located with respect to its environment.

  • Robotics

A branch of mathematics concerned with signals that can be only true or false, and which form the basis of modern computers.

  • Salesforce

Lookup fields allow you to associate two records together in a relationship. For example, a contact record includes an account lookup field that associates the contact with its account.


Machina Speculatrix
  • Robotics

The first autonomous robot developed by William Grey Walter in the 1940s. Machina Speculatrix is a light-seeking robot.

Machine learning
  • Robotics

A branch of AI that involved the process of training an AI engine to make it intelligent enough to perform specific tasks.

  • Robotics

A device for measuring the intensity of a magnetic field.

  • Blockchain

The end product of a Blockchain project that is accessible to the public. These cryptocurrency transactions will be broadcasted, verified, and recorded on a distributed ledger.

  • Robotics

A device used to manipulate materials without direct physical contact by the operator.

Marketing Cloud
  • Salesforce

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform for marketers that allows them to create and manage marketing relationships and campaigns with customers.

Maturity assessments services
  • ECRS

An assessment that determines the level of maturity of an organization to utilize data and information. It also examines what the organization does with the data and information it collects and produces.

MDR (Managed detection and response)
  • ECRS

An outsourced service that provides organizations with threat-hunting services and responds to threats once they are discovered.

  • Robotics

The combination of mechanical, electrical and computer engineering in the design of products and manufacturing processes

Merkle Tree/Hash TreeS
  • Blockchain

It is a data structure used for data verification and synchronization. Every leaf node is labelled with the hash of a data block, and every non-leaf node is defined as the hash value of its respective child nodes.

  • Robotics

A small computer system, typically on a single integrated circuit, comprising the microprocessor, memory and peripherals.

  • Blockchain

The process of adding, securing and verifying transactions to the large distributed public ledger (Blockchain) of existing transactions. Bitcoin and several other cryptocurrencies use mining to generate new coins and verify new transactions.

  • Robotics

A power mechanism used to produce motion – either in a straight line or by rotating.

Multi-Factor Authentication
  • ECRS

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires users to provide at least two verification factors to access resources such as apps, online accounts, or VPNs.


Neural Network
  • Robotics

A method in artificial intelligence that teaches computers to process data in a way that is inspired by the human brain.

Neuro-robotics Systems
  • Robotics

A combined study of neuroscience, robotics and artificial intelligence.

  • Blockchain

One of the computers that run blockchain software to validate and store the history of transactions on the network.

  • Blockchain

Cryptographic assets on Blockchain with unique identification codes that represent a unique asset like a piece of art, digital content, or media.


  • Salesforce

Salesforce objects are digital tables that store important data and information associated with an organization.

  • Blockchain

Transactions that occur on a cryptocurrency network that moves outside of the Blockchain network.

  • Blockchain

Transactions that occur on the Blockchain that is stored on the distributed ledger and are visible to anyone.

Open Source
  • Blockchain

Software for which the permission to use, enhance, reuse or modify the source code, design documents, or content of the product is made available to anyone.


  • Salesforce

Opportunities are deals in progress and contain details about deals, including which accounts they're for, who the players are, and the number of potential sales.

Opportunity Stage
  • Salesforce

Opportunity stages describe the high-level phases of the sales process. It is simply a dropdown in Salesforce where the field has a finite number of values that a user can select from.

Optical Encoder
  • Robotics

A device for measuring linear or rotary motion by detecting beams of light as the encoder passes by a light.

  • Blockchain

Third-party service providers or decentralized data feed services that provide external data or off-chain data to the blockchain network.


Passive sensor
  • Robotics

A sensor that simply detects and responds to some type of input from the physical environment.

Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance audit
  • ECRS

A routine audit required of merchants that process credit card transactions to ensure compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) set up by various credit card companies.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
  • ECRS

An information security standard for organizations that handle credit cards from the major card schemes. It is a set of requirements intended to ensure that all companies that process, store, or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
  • Blockchain

A direct communication between two participants in a system – can be computer to computer or person to person.

Penetration testing
  • ECRS

A simulated cyberattack performed on a computer system to check for vulnerabilities. Penetration testers use the same tools, techniques, and processes as attackers to find and demonstrate the business impact of system vulnerabilities.

  • Robotics

A signal or communication that optimises behaviour of an entire group of robots.

Photoelectric sensor
  • Robotics

A sensor that uses light (often infrared) to detect the presence of an object or the distance to it.

  • Robotics

An electronic switching and current amplification component that relies on exposure to light to operate.

  • Robotics

Rotation around the side-to-side axis.

Privilege access management (PAM)
  • ECRS

An information security (infosec) component that enables and manages special or privileged access for users as compared to standard users. PAM reduces the attack surface for organizations and mitigates the risks that arise both from external attacks and internal negligence.

  • Robotics

A set of coded commands that tells the machine what tasks to perform autonomously.

Proportional Control
  • Robotics

A type of linear feedback control system in which a correction is applied to the controlled variable, and the size of the correction is proportional to the difference between the desired value and the measured value.

Proportional plus Derivative Control
  • Robotics

A type of controller in a control system whose output varies in proportion to the error signal as well as with the derivative of the error signal.

Proportional plus Integral Control
  • Robotics

A strategy where the controller output is an amount proportional to the error plus an amount due to the integral of the error. Also known as P+I control.

  • Blockchain

The tracking mechanism where every single change made to the original data is tracked so that users can be certain about its legitimacy.

Public and Private Key
  • Blockchain

Public Key: A large numerical value used to encrypt data. It is a cryptographic code paired with a private key to receive cryptocurrency.

Private Key: A string of letters and numbers that acts like a password to grant a cryptocurrency user ownership of the funds at a given address.


Public Ledger
  • Blockchain

A record-keeping system that maintains participants' identities in secure and pseudo-anonymous form. It is a synchronized database accessible across different sites and geographies by multiple participants.

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
  • Robotics

A technique to reduce the average power delivered by an electrical signal by chopping it up into discrete parts.


  • Robotics

A type of incremental encoder used in general automation applications where sensing the direction of movement is required.


  • Salesforce

Salesforce Queues prioritize, distribute and assign the records used by teams sharing workloads. Queues act like holding areas in CRM, where records wait for someone to pick them up, and assign the record owner either as themselves or another user.


  • Salesforce

A report is a list of records that meet the criteria you define. It's displayed in Salesforce in rows and columns and can be filtered, grouped or displayed in a graphical chart.

  • Robotics

An electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of electrical current in an electronic circuit

  • Robotics

Automatically operated machine that replaces or reduces human effort.

  • Robotics

Rotation of the robot end-effector in a plane perpendicular to the end of the manipulator arm.

Rotary motion
  • Robotics

Movement where something turns on the spot, or around a joint.


Sales Forecast
  • Salesforce

It is a projection of the expected sales revenue that estimates the number of sales a company is going to make within a stipulated timeframe.

  • Salesforce

Salesforce is a cloud-based platform that provides software and services to help businesses find more prospects, close more deals, and wow customers with amazing service.

Salesforce Account
  • Salesforce

A company you are doing business with. It stores the data of customers and partners along with competitors, investors, resellers and all other parties you may interact with.

Salesforce Activities
  • Salesforce

Engagement tracking objects that include tasks, events and calendars. Salesforce Activities track tasks and meetings in lists. It also reports to improve time management and keep a source of truth for all accounts, campaigns, contacts, leads and opportunities. Salesforce Activities are split into two: Salesforce Tasks and Events. Tasks and Events act like record types, each with its own set of fields and serving different purposes.

Salesforce Lookup
  • Salesforce

Salesforce objects include lookup fields that allow you to associate two records together in a relationship. For example, a contact record includes an account lookup field that associates the contact with its account.

Satoshi Nakamoto
  • Blockchain

The name used by the person or entity who developed bitcoin, authored the bitcoin white paper, and created and deployed bitcoin’s original reference implementation. As part of the implementation, Nakamoto also devised the first blockchain database.

Secure code review
  • ECRS

A manual or automated process to examine an application’s source code to identify existing security flaws. Code reviews look for logical errors, specific implementations and style guidelines.

Secure Web Portal (SWG)
  • ECRS

A secure web gateway that protects an organization from online security threats by enforcing company policy and filtering internet-bound traffic.

Security operational centre (SOC)
  • ECRS

A centralized function within an organization that continuously monitors and improves the security posture by preventing, detecting, analysing and responding to cybersecurity incidents.

Seed Phrase
  • Blockchain

A series of words that essentially works as a crypto wallet recovery password in case the user loses access to the device where it's initially stored on.

  • Robotics

A device that is used to measure a quantity like the distance to an object or the speed of a robot.

Servo/ Servomechanism
  • Robotics

An electromagnetic device that converts electricity into precisely controlled motion by use of negative feedback mechanisms.

  • Robotics

A rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise control of angular or linear position, velocity and acceleration.

  • Blockchain

Breaking down Blockchain company's entire network into smaller partitions, known as ‘shards’ to spread out the computational and storage workload across a network. A single node will not be responsible for processing the entire network's transactional load.

Shy Light seeker
  • Robotics

A form of Braitenberg vehicle which seeks lights but slows when it approaches them.

  • Blockchain

A separate blockchain network that connects to another blockchain – called a parent blockchain or mainnet – via a two-way peg.

  • Robotics

In electronics, it is a current/voltage/electromagnetic field used to convey information.

  • Robotics

A computer program that tries to emulate the behavior of something.

Single Sign On (SSO)
  • ECRS

A user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials to access multiple applications. SSO can be used by enterprises to ease the management of various usernames and passwords.

Smart Contract
  • Blockchain

Self-executing computer code deployed on a blockchain to automatically perform, control or document legally relevant events and actions according to the terms of a contract or an agreement.

  • Robotics

A set of instructions that direct how a computer performs specific tasks.

  • Blockchain

An object-oriented programming language created by the Ethereum Network team for designing smart contracts on Blockchain platforms.

  • ECRS

A federal law that established sweeping auditing and financial regulations for public companies. Lawmakers created the legislation to protect shareholders, employees and the public from accounting errors and fraudulent financial practices.

  • Blockchain

A digital currency whose price is designed to be pegged to a reference asset like fiat money.

Standard Object
  • Salesforce

Objects that are included with Salesforce like account, contact, lead and opportunity. The most commonly referred standard object is the account object.

State Channel
  • Blockchain

A process in which users transact with one another directly outside of the blockchain, or 'off-chain,' and greatly minimize their use of 'on-chain' operations.

Subsumption architecture
  • Robotics

A reactive robotic architecture heavily associated with behavior-based robotics


  • Salesforce

A Salesforce task is the action that will accompany an object. Tasks can be related to leads, contacts, campaigns and contracts.

  • Blockchain

A staging blockchain environment powered by the same or a newer version of the underlying software, for testing applications before being put into production (or onto the mainnet).

Threat modelling
  • ECRS

A technique to identify potential threats such as structural vulnerabilities and lack of safety measures. This helps define countermeasures to prevent or mitigate the effects of threats to the system.

  • Blockchain

Cryptographic tokens are digital assets or units of value that are defined by a smart contract and built on a specific Blockchain.

Token Generation Event
  • Blockchain

A business and technical act that involves the technical creation and first sale of the token in a Blockchain-based network. It is launched in the market in the form of a public sale, private sale, or initial coin offering

Token Type – ERC-20
  • Blockchain

ERC stands for ‘Ethereum request for comment’. ERC20 token is the technical standard for fungible tokens created using the Ethereum blockchain. It’s used for creating and issuing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.


Token Type – ERC-721
  • Blockchain

A type of non-fungible Ethereum token standard. This type of token is unique and can have a different value than another token from the same Smart Contract

Token/Coin Exchange
  • Blockchain

An application to buy, sell and trade cryptocurrencies for other assets, such as conventional fiat money or other digital currencies.

Tokenless Ledger
  • Blockchain

A ledger that doesn’t require a native currency to operate. It is a distributed digital ledger, and it can be hosted on a computer, mobile phone, or cloud service.

  • Blockchain

Tokenomics means token’s economics – the study of supply and demand characteristics of cryptocurrencies.

Touch sensor
  • Robotics

A sensor that measures some aspect of the physical contact with an object.

Transactions Per Second (TPS)
  • Blockchain

A measurement of the speed and scalability of a blockchain. It refers to the number of transactions a blockchain network can carry out in one second. 72. Transparency

The characteristic of blockchain technology that provides a fully auditable and valid ledger of transactions. A primary property of public blockchains where any participant can view all information on that network


  • Robotics

A device that converts energy from one form to another – eg motor speed to an electrical signal.

  • Salesforce

A Trigger is a segment of Apex code that executes before or after inserting or modifying a Salesforce record based on the condition provided.

  • Blockchain

Confidence in the integrity of an entity (e.g., person, organisation, etc.).

  • Blockchain

Blockchain is a trustless system where two entities performing a transaction do not need to trust one another. Instead, every transaction is verified by thousands of other users on the network.


Ultrasonic sensor
  • Robotics

An instrument that measures the distance to an object using ultrasonic sound waves


  • Robotics

The speed at which an object is travelling and the direction in which it is travelling.

  • Salesforce

The user interface in the Model-View-Controller model, defined by Visualforce.

Vision Sensor
  • Robotics

A device which gives a visual representation of something, typically from a camera, to determine the presence, orientation, and accuracy of parts.

  • ECRS

Flaws in a computer system that weaken the overall security of the infrastructure. Vulnerabilities can be exploited by cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to computer systems.

Vulnerability assessment
  • ECRS

A systematic review of security gaps in an information system. It evaluates the vulnerabilities the system is exposed to, assigns severity levels to those vulnerabilities and recommends remediation as needed.

  • Blockchain

A python- programming language for the Ethereum blockchain built for security, language and compiler simplicity, and auditability.



  • Blockchain

A digital wallet that allows users to store and manage their Bitcoin, Ether, and other cryptocurrencies.

Wallet (Cold)
  • Blockchain

A type of digital wallet that stores cryptocurrency offline or disconnected from the internet.

Wallet (Hot)
  • Blockchain

A type of digital wallet that is always connected to the internet and cryptocurrency network

Wallet (Multisignature)
  • Blockchain

A MultiSig wallet is a digital wallet that requires multiple digital signatures to execute a transaction. It requires more than one private key to sign and authorize a crypto transaction

Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  • ECRS

A firewall that protects web applications from a variety of application layer attacks by filtering and monitoring HTTP traffic between a web application and the internet.

Web to Lead
  • Salesforce

The process of using a website form to capture visitor information and store that information as a new lead in Salesforce.

Workflow Rule
  • Salesforce

A tool in Salesforce that allows you to automate standard internal procedures and processes like sending notification emails, updating fields in your database, adding tasks to a record in Salesforce etc., to save time.


  • Robotics

The rotation of a system about its Z axis caused by a force.


Zeppelin/Open Zeppelin
  • Blockchain

An open-source framework tailored for developing secure smart contracts.